1.02.2 Double different – page 8 part 2 of 2

Column 2: In this lesson, students will be introduced to a strategy to read Super Challenge words. Students will identify a pattern in words that have two consonants in the middle that are double-different. Students will understand that a syllable is also identified as a word part and every syllable has a vowel. The vowel sounds will be identified by having students write the accent mark above the vowel to identify whether the vowel in a syllable has a long or short vowel sound.

Column 2: In this lesson, students will be introduced to a strategy to read Super Challenge words. Students will identify a pattern in words that have two consonants in the middle that are double-different. Students will understand that a syllable is also identified as a word part and every syllable has a vowel. The vowel sounds will be identified by having students write the accent mark above the vowel to identify whether the vowel in a syllable has a long or short vowel sound.

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